
Friday, November 9, 2012

A Failed Experiment?

Last night, while the crust was in the in the oven for pizza, I decided to try making Pumpkin Spice Bark. Mama had seen it at a store, but it wasn't gluten free, so I decided to make some.
 Now this sounds all lovely and good, except that I didn't have a recipe.

I pulled a bag of something out of the freezer. I'm still not sure if it was pumpkin or some other squash.But     they're close enough to generally use interchangeably, provided that they're pureed well.

I melted half of the almond bark, added the spices (cinnamon and nutmeg) and pureed squash, and mixed them all up together. At that point, I decided that it was too strong of a flavor, and added more almond bark. Then, I dumped it all into a pan lined with wax paper, and melted the rest of the almond bark. When it was melted, I swirled it into the pumpkin mixture.

I then set it in the freezer, expecting it to set in a very short amount of time, as almond bark typically hardens quite quickly.
The picture above is what it looked like when I pulled it out of the freezer this morning. Still not completely hard. I decided at that point, if it wasn't solid after sitting in the freezer overnight, it probably wasn't going to be solid at all. So I decided to rescue it.
It is still in question as to whether the rescued edition is good or not.

To "rescue" it, I worked powdered sugar into it to make is a little more solid, and rolled it into little balls.
The rescued edition is now sitting in the freezer, in attempts that it will solidify a bit more before the taste testing.

If I were to try this again,  think I would use much less pumpkin, so that it didn't interfere with the almond bark hardening. I would also use less nutmeg, as I put in a little bit more than was really needed.


  1. So, did your pumpkin balls get eaten or did you have to throw them away?
    I've been doing pumpkin pie filling baked in the microwave lately. It's super fast and I can have a yummy and nutritious treat with little effort. Sometimes I share with grandma. :)

  2. Most of them have been eaten, but there are still a few sitting in the freezer. I think my siblings were much more impressed with them than I was.
